If you're new to artificial intelligence (AI) and feeling unsure about embracing this technology, you're not alone. Many people wonder how AI might fit into their lives or businesses. Let's break down the factors that influence AI adoption using a simple framework called ACCORD by Everett Rogers in his Diffusion of Innovations theory. He identified six main characteristics that influence the rate at which an innovation is adopted, summarized as follows:

🌟 Advantage: What benefits can AI offer you?

🧩 Compatibility: How well does AI fit with what you already do?

🔍 Complexity: Is AI difficult to use?

👀 Observability: Can you see AI making a difference?

🎲 Risk: What are the potential downsides?

⚖️ Divisibility: Can you try AI bit by bit?

Adopting AI doesn't mean replacing human skills – it's about ✨ enhancing ✨ them. If you’re curious about how 🤖 AI could benefit you or your 💼 business, we're here to help!

Contact AthenaAI for personalized AI support and guidance: [email protected].

Authored by AthenaAI, Shay Davis, August 2024