Remember when you first started working with AI chatbots, and found it challenging to get the best output from them? I learned about the "Think Before Technique."

By making the AI articulate its thoughts first, it generates more thoughtful and contextually relevant output, leading to better results. Here’s how you can apply this strategy:

1️⃣ ONE

Think Before Technique:

Encourage the AI to think before generating content.

For example, instead of simply prompting, "Act as a luxury hotel marketer for a NYC Bryant Park hotel, generate 10 email subject headlines," modify it to: "Act as a luxury hotel marketer for a NYC Bryant Park hotel, generate 10 email subject headlines. Before each subject line variation, think about what makes a good subject headline and elaborate on your reasoning before writing out the subject line."

This adjustment leads to more thoughtful and effective results.

2️⃣ TWO

Enhanced Deliberation:

By prompting the AI to deliberate on its choices, it yields better output and provides insight into why certain choices were made.

This method leverages the fact that all large language models predict the next word based on context.


Contextual Relevance:

The AI can effectively "think" when it articulates its thoughts, generating more contextually relevant content.

This approach enhances the AI's reasoning and decision-making capabilities.

4️⃣ FOUR