Let’s be honest… AI seems complicated. And while the inner workings of algorithms and large language models might be better left to the experts, using AI doesn’t have to require a PhD. One of the easiest ways to start getting value out of AI tools is through something called “prompt engineering.” It’s not as technical as it sounds!

Prompt engineering simply refers to how you write instructions for AI. Think of it like giving directions to a colleague. The clearer your instructions, the better they'll understand and execute your request. Ready to become an AI whisperer? Here are 5 simple prompt engineering tips to get you started:

1. Be Specific and Direct:

Avoid vague language. Instead of asking, "Write a policy about employee behavior," try "Draft a code of conduct that outlines expectations for professional communication, punctuality, and workplace attire." The more specific you are, the more aligned the AI output will be with your vision.

2. Use Keywords:

Just like in a job description, keywords help AI understand your request. If you want a training manual on onboarding new employees, include keywords like "orientation process," "company culture," "benefits overview," and "compliance training."

3. Set the Tone and Style:

AI is incredibly adaptable. Tell it what you want. Need a formal announcement? Specify "Write a formal announcement regarding policy changes." Want an engaging newsletter article? Ask for a "friendly and informative piece highlighting employee wellness programs."

4. Provide Examples:

Sometimes showing is better than telling. If you have a specific writing style in mind, provide a short example. This helps the AI understand and replicate the desired tone and structure. For instance, share a sample of a previous HR memo that reflects your communication style.

5. Don't Be Afraid to Experiment:

AI is constantly learning, and so are you! Don’t be afraid to play around with different prompts and instructions. You might be surprised by the creative and effective HR materials you can generate.

With these straightforward tips, you can unlock the power of AI for everyday HR tasks. Give it a try, and see what amazing things you can accomplish.

Need help navigating the complexities of AI integration? Reach out to us at [email protected].

Authored by AthenaAI, Shay Davis, July 2024